When you start building up your troops and fortification in Game of War: Fire Age, you will eventually reach a point where a significant defeat would not merely knock your progress back by days, but rather weeks, or possibly months. This is the “point of no return” – the stage when a substantial loss, due to the considerable amount of time you’ve dedicated in nurturing your troops, is likely to prompt you to abandon the game.
If you have ever looked around the map and wondered where all those high level ghost towns came from, then the chances are they quit for this very reason.
Sure some people burn out on the levelling and the resource grind, but the vast majority have suffered such a large loss they cannot face rebuilding.
A classic example of a mass exodus of players is after a CardRx rampage on Arbalest. I’m sure there are similar examples in other Kingdoms, but I think you would be hard pressed to find many at the same scale.
For those of you that are not aware of CardRx, head over to Arbalest for a second and check out the king. Card was an 800 million power player that has quite frankly dominated the kingdom for months. He has recently been reduced in power somewhat, but still sits at over half a billion in power as I write this, which let’s face it is more power than many alliances have.
Every now and then Card will go on a killing spree hitting players in enemy alliances left right and center, capturing and executing Hero’s and generally causing a mass quitting rage. I once saw a Hero captured list numbering over 300 players.
These kinds of losses are hard to stomach and it takes a very dedicated player to pick themselves up from such an attack.
So how do your protect yourself against such a player in Game of War: Fire Age?
Rally Limit
As this is an mid to end game guide, I’m going to assume you have reached stronghold level 18 minimum, so you have a rally limit of at least 150,000 troops. You should already be used to the idea of fake rallies, but to recap you send your Hero out with as many troops as you can fit, on an 8 hour rally to another player’s city (this only works on a player at Stronghold level 15 or above, or a player in another alliance). You renew this rally every 8 hours, which will provide you with 24 hour protection.
This is the best form of protection because your troops cannot be killed or hospitalised whist in your Hall of War.
Hospital Limit
After your fake rally is maxed your hospitals should cover some more of your troops. This is not as good as your fake rally, because you will still need resources to revive them, but they heal much faster than you can train from scratch.
Unfortunately you will soon realise that you can build troops a lot faster than you can upgrade hospital capacity. There will come a time when the cost of upgrading your hospitals becomes prohibitive and this is usually around 100k to 120k troops. Trying to cover anything above this means either sacrificing valuable Villa space, or spending a huge amount of resources upgrading your hospitals to higher levels.
So your rally limit is maxed and your hospital limit has been reached. The next option is another players Embassy. A level 18 Embassy will house 400,000 troops. You should note that randomly sending your troops to any old embassy does not in any way protect them! An attack on that player’s city will result in permanent death to any of your reinforcing troops that are killed.
However, if you are careful you can rotate shields between groups of 3 or 4 players and send your excess troops to reinforce the shielded player.
This is a great method for protecting additional troops during a kill event, as each player can take it in turns to put up a 3 day shield once every three or four weeks (rotating between players). This can drastically reduce the cost of trying to shield yourself for every kill event.
You do need to make sure everyone is very clear about the time the shield will expire!
By the time you have maxed out all of the above options you should be at stronghold level 20. At this point you can send out 200k troops on a fake rally and if you have sunk some serious resources into your hospitals, you may just about cover an additional 150k troops. Add another 150k in Embassy sharing and you can protect about half a million troops.
Now at this point you might be thinking screw it, no one can send a single march over 375k and my army and wall traps are enough to scare them away… Well think again. The Hall of War maxes out at 2,000,000 troops, so it is possible that a single march of over 2.3 million against your city!
I would also point out that Tier 4 troops are a vast improvement on Tier 3 i.e. 375k Tier 4 would put a huge dent in a 500k Tier 3 army. Look at the image earlier with the CardRx battle to see what I mean.
Really your only option now is to either purchase shields for your own city every kill event, or find further members in your Alliance that can house your troops in their shielded Embassy.
As you jump up the leader board to the top of your Kingdom, you will find you become a target less often, but when you are targeted you are hit hard and often not just during kill events.
Realistically at this point you have probably achieved all you can in Game of War: Fire Age, unless you are prepared to take the next step and push for Level 21 buildings and Tier 4 Troops.
Tier 4 troops is a game changer, but the cost to unlock them is only for the really serious gamer (and rich gamer!). Check out the requirements in our Game of War: Fire Age Tier 4 Troop Guide.
“I don’t care about surviving the end game, I just want more pizza toppings!”
“Who needs survival tips when you can just respawn and play another game? 🎮”
Alma May
Respawning in a game may be convenient, but life doesn’t come with a reset button. Survival tips are essential for real-world emergencies and disasters. So, while it’s fun to play games, don’t forget the importance of being prepared for real-life challenges.
“Seriously guys, who needs survival tips when you can just respawn? #respawnFTW”
Violet Atkinson
Comment: “Why not just build a secret underground bunker? #SurvivalGoals”
Hugh Dickson
“Seriously, who has time for all these strategies? I’ll just build a bunker and hide!”
Adalee Spencer
Well, that’s one way to handle things. But while you’re hiding in your bunker, others might be out there making the most of life and finding solutions. Just saying.
Melina Graham
I can’t believe they didn’t mention the importance of unicorn-powered shields in surviving the end game! 🦄🛡️ #UnicornProtectionSquad
Seriously? Unicorn-powered shields? Are you for real? Get a grip! The end game requires strategy, skill, and teamwork, not some mythical creature. Stop living in a fantasy world and focus on the real challenges of survival. #RealityCheck
“Who needs survival tips when you can just become the ultimate Game of War champion? #bringiton”