We are excited to declare that Radarc.net is embarking on a new phase as part of www.easd-design.com. This constitutes a noteworthy landmark in our course, pledging to offer an improved and streamlined experience for all our committed users.
All the applications and updates previously available on Radarc.net will now be hosted on easd-design.com. Our commitment remains to provide you with the latest cutting-edge applications, and the transition will only strengthen our endeavor.
One of the core tenets that made Radarc.net a preferred platform was its repository of invaluable information and advice on how to expedite applications. Rest assured, this focus will continue to be a pivotal part of easd-design.com. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date and practical advice, tutorials, and tips, helping you maximize your productivity and the performance of your applications.
Moreover, everything that pertains to Radarc.net, from its extensive range of features to its user-friendly interface, will now be a part of easd-design.com. We are bringing together the best of both platforms to give you a more robust and comprehensive experience.
The transition to easd-design.com is a significant step, but it does not change our mission or our values. We remain committed to delivering high-quality products and services, striving to exceed your expectations at every turn.
Your loyalty and support have been instrumental to our growth, and we are excited to welcome you to this new era at easd-design.com. Thank you for being part of this journey and for your continued support as we move forward. Stay tuned for the incredible enhancements, exciting new features, and improvements coming your way!
Microsoft has come up with adevice that can support up to 64-bit processes, initially youwill see dual-core processors and later on the quad-core. Moreover, this phonesupports the maximum resolution of 1280 x 768 on a healthy 4-inch screen, whichis on a par with the retina display offered by Apple. In terms of storage,Microsoft have definitely made a step in the right direction, with anintegrated slot for a micro SD card, you can choose up to 64 GB of additionalmemory. Lastly a hardware feature for both users and developers: Near-FieldCommunications. In particular the Wallet feature will enable the use to NFC totransfer a large amount of content from your phone to a pc or other devices.The phone can act as a digital wallet, providing a simple way to makepurchasing online with a simple tap.
User interfaceimprovements
After theinitial set up of your new Window Phone 8 you will find yourself on the startscreen browsing through the various tiles, but you will notice that these tilesexpand right until the edge, making full use of the space compared to theWindows Phone 7 which uses a measly two thirds of the screen. A result of thisthere is more space to include smaller tiles with options of stuff you want toaccess. In addition you can change the tile size to suit your preferences, youhave complete privileges to customise the start screen how you like. To dothis, long press the tile and press the arrow that will appear in the bottomright-hand corner and the tile will shrink or expand depending on the directionyou press the arrow. Moreover, notifications can also be customised to includenotes about unread emails, messages, appointments etc.; you can choose aspecific order with up to five icons. The phone also features a dynamic lockedscreen background, so that when the phone is locked you can see the weatherforecast, photo of the day, news updates, whatever you fancy.
RadarC Syncing your phone
Finally, devices on this platformuse MTP, which basically means you can access the phone as an external hard driveand syncing has been made easier, one can sync playlists to WindowsMedia Player and even iTunes. However to achieve the latter and the only optionfor mac users you will need to subscribe to the desktop companion app. Lastly,you can enjoy OTA upgrades, which can be done manually or automatically.
Windows 8 for tablet, pc and phoneuses the same code, so the development of apps is compatible for each device.Window Phone 8 also supports C++, C and DirectX. It is important to note that Windows 7 apps will run on Windows 8,Windows 7 and 8 apps will be compiled in the cloud. You can use Visual Studio2012 to build Window 8 and Windows 7.5 and 8 apps.
RadarC For the kids
Many of the Phones enhancements areunique to attract new users, many of you know that kids love to take your phoneand use it, however, you are always unsure whether you will get it returned inthe same state. Luckily, Microsoft have come up with a feature that allows youto enable “guest user” which means anyone using it cannot delete any apps,emails or important documents or even call your boss by mistake. It works bysetting up a list of things you don´t want your children to have assess to anda password associated with the feature… Sigh of relief!
Wallet and NFC
Like the Google Wallet and Passbook,Microsoft’s Wallet app has the best of both competitors. The Wallet keeps yourcard details and can then be used to make fast and easy purchases. It alsostores loyalty memberships and has access to vendor deals; although, they arerelying on more vendors to sign on. Alternatively, NFC supports sharing ofinformation; music, videos, contact info, etc.
More: siuniverse.org
Imagine a dark background, lessharsh on the eye… there you have it. Ok, that’s not all, you can write emailsusing voice to text and you can use the pinch-to-zoom method. On the otherhand, unfortunately, once you have entered the email app your notificationswill be immediately removed even if you still have emails unread.
Data Sense
Your data usage will be trackedthrough a live tile and you can also set up a data usage plan with thisfeature. This feature allows you to be notified when you have reached yourdictated data allowance. This option also allows you to connect to Wi-Fihotspots and will allocate background tasks to be allocated to that connection.Finally, the data being streamed from webpages are reduced by compression usingIE 10.
The phone user interface is virtuallyunchanged but the important integration is that of VoIP, which means that Skypecalls can be made with the same quality as a normal phone call. The attributesinclude; reception of calls even if the application isn’t running, it canhandle VoIP and mobile calls at the same time and your VoIP calls won’t end ifyou try to exit the app.
RadarC Nokia Maps
Microsoft’s partnership with Nokiahas helped improve its traffic data coverage, which includes coverage over 26more countries. In comparison to other map technology its main attribute is theability to download apps from offline, thus providing offline support and is ofhigh quality.
People Hub
Here you can connect privately withfriends and family, share information, calendar events and messages, post photos,attach comments. The major difference with this feature is that each group willsync to your Microsoft account.
Photos and camera
There are some exciting new featuresfor the new Windows Phone 8 camera, the zoom now uses pinch-to-zoom technologyand there are additional flash options, you can buy different filters from theWindows store and get creative. Options include; burst mode (you can choose thenumber of shots to be taken as well as the time lapse between shots), panoramicshots and more can be found in the store.
Music and video
The feature worth highlighting hereis that any music or video you download from the store can be accessed by anyof your Microsoft branded devices.
Games Hub
The games hub was previously lackingin Windows 7, most of the good games are going to iOS of Android. With the newinterface Microsoft hopes to attract game developers and with the option for ingame purchases the application is made even more appealing.
RadarC Windows store
Is the Window Phone Marketplace, whichis powered by Bing Search. The store offers in app purchases and variousmethods for payment, such as PayPal, credit/debit card or Microsoft Gift Card.Fortunately, any apps brought with Windows 7.5 will be made available topurchase for free with Windows 8.
Internet explorer
Internet explorer 10 is being used;this version allows for faster browsing, out running all current mobile devicesand is the most secure browser. You will be able to share information acrossmultiple Windows devices. The improvements are not at face value but are withinthe product, these include; faster rendering time, hardware-acceleratedgraphics, and 2 x HTML5 feature support and higher efficiency.
Start building apps now
Microsoft is giving developers a lot of support and organizing events like Wowzapp around the world, promoting the creation of apps for its new mobile OS. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by and start creating professional apps today with Radarc and Windows Phone 8 Formula.
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